Strange Festival 2022

The End Was Nigh

Open 4-10 pm
17th to 26th June 2022
Visual art exhibition by Sky Darcy Edwards
Free entry
Piccadilly Arcade shop 2 (the corner of Piccadilly Arcade and Hay st Mall)

The End Was Nigh because we failed to act and all has come to ruin.
The End Was Nigh because we acted and averted a terrible fate.

A collection of anomalous artifacts, perhaps the documentation of a strange alternate or potential reality by an artist/naturalist/survivor. Has their workshop been transported to us as a warning, a prediction, a threat, or a promise? Or just a curio, something to pass the time while we, surely, make much better choices?

The End Was Nigh arose from Sky’s examination of juxtaposed natural and synthetic elements in their environment, and their need to convey both the beauty of what is and the solastalgia of what has been lost. They combine media to create each piece, often starting with experimental or macro photography, then mutating these with neural networks, and interpreting/recreating the results as drawings.




Macro Photography